Andrea and Esmeralda were young Llamas living in the Sacred Valley of Peru. They were cousins and always dreamed of traveling and living in America. Their Aunt had moved to America to live with a little girl in Ohio 15 years earlier and they had always hoped to have great adventures like her and see the world. Now, it was a dream of many young Lama’s to venture out and see the world but not many get that opportunity.

Andrea was nicknamed Andy, she lived in a small town called Chinchero. She was more of a town llama, she loved to get dressed up and watch all the young children come and go from the school down the hill. She also loved to walk around the town and see all the people going and coming.

Esmeralda was nicknamed Ezzy. She lived lived further up in the mountains in Machu Pichu. Machu Pichu is the most famous place in all of Peru and visitors from all over the world come to visit. But it is in the country and very few people live there. There are no roads to Machu Pichu, only trails and a train. Ezzy longed for adventure!

One day, Ezzy met two travelers from America who knew her Aunt. Ezzy was so excited! She asked if she could come to America to live. The travelers knew of two little girls that would love to have new friends from Peru. Ezzy was so excited. She told the travelers about her cousin who also would like to travel and live in America. The travelers agreed to pick up her cousin, Andy as well.

Ezzy agreed to show the travelers where Andy lived and the three of them set off. Ezzy’s family was going to miss her, but they were excited that she would be taking an adventure. “Now Ezzy you be good and write to us when you get to your new home” Ezzy’s mother said with tears in her eyes. “It might be cold on your travels, so don’t forget to pack your hat!”

Andy was a little older that Ezzy and lived in more rural area. They had visitors as well but not like Machu Pichu. Andy was excited that she would get to travel to America and live with a little girl. Her parents knew that this was a great opportunity and agreed to let her travel. “Andy you are going to be going to some fancy places, so take this necklace and always remember us”, said Andy’s mom. She gave Andy a beautiful necklace to wear on her travels. Andy felt so proud to put on the necklace and to travel.

The travelers told the young llamas that there were going on a great adventure and would travel the world before they got to meet their new friends in America. But they had no idea how big of an adventure they were going to have.

The first destination for the young Lamas was Florida for a quick stopover. Andy and Ezzy had never been on a plane before or seen anyplace like Florida. It was warm, sandy and flat. Ezzy thought that this would be a great place to live, until she saw an alligator. “I don’t think we should stay here , she told Andy, those things look like they would eat us.” Andy agreed that they should stay away from alligators.

Luckily, while they were in Florida they never got too close to an alligator. In order to get to their new homes, they were going to travel across the ocean first. So the next part of their adventure involved getting on a cruise ship. They had never been on a boat before and the cruise ship was very nice.

They met lots of nice people and the food was great. Sailing across the ocean was very pleasant but the places they got to go were just amazing.

Ezzy and Andy just fell in love with the beach. They had never seen anything like that before. Also, everyone seemed so happy!

Crossing the Atlantic Ocean on a ship took a long time but it was fun and the girls made many friends. It seemed a new one showed up to visit everyday!

The first stop in Europe was in Spain. Andy thought Spain was wonderful, it reminded her of home. Even the language the humans spoke was familiar to home. Of course there was a lot more old buildings here. It was nice to wander the old streets and climb the hills.

The next stop was Italy. That was Ezzy’s favorite! She loved the smell of pizza especially vegetarian pizza. That is where they got off the ship and continue their travels by train to Switzerland. That was really like home! The mountains were all covered with snow. It felt good to feel the cold wind blow and Ezzy could use her hat again!

The other thing that excited Ezzy was that she was getting close to meeting her new friend and traveling to her new home.

After the girls left Switzerland, they flew back to Barcelona to get on another cruise ship! This would be their 4th cruise since they left Peru and it was getting a little tiresome. But this cruise would be different because there was a young girl named Evee who was there to celebrate her third birthday.

Is that my new friend though Ezzy? She is very cute. When Evee met Ezzy it was obvious that Ezzy had a new friend and home. It turned out that Evee’s mother had adopted Ezzy’s Aunt 15 years earlier and they were going to live together as a family.

Now, unfortunately, Andy still had more travels before she would get to her new home and get to meet her new friend. So Andy said goodbye to Ezzy and went with the travelers onto the next adventure. Andy was sad to leave Ezzy but the promised to get back together soon and to stay in touch.