Portland, Oregon: America’s Embarrassment or Future?

Closed Streetcar Station in front of looted and boarded up storefronts in Downtown Portland

I am always skeptical of news reports and like to see things for myself. So on our last road trip I opted to make a quick detour into Downtown Portland to see what three months of protesting in America looks like.

Barricades and Chain-link fence protect the Federal Courthouse and the police. No police were seen outside of the barriers or cars.

Portland was one of my favorite cities in the west. I used to enjoy walking the streets and riding the free trolley around the downtown. My work would take me to the University of Portland periodically and I understood the draw to this clean modern city. There was always a homeless issue, but it was limited to a few blocks along the parks adjacent to the river.

Tents are everywhere along sidewalks in the city……but no bathrooms?
Protesters have taken over a park across the street from the Federal Courthouse. The area is mostly deserted now, but will be packed after nightfall,

Portland was always a friendly city….but that has changed. Three months of violence has left the streets deserted, business destroyed and created a feeling of danger. Graffiti covers everything and tall chain link fences protect the public buildings with armed police inside. Even on a Friday at 11:00, there is almost no traffic and few people around. Protesters and homeless are living on the streets.

Boarded up Apple Store.
Tents can be found on sidewalks throughout the city

I have traveled around much of the world, including in some of the most dangerous places on the planet. I know the feeling of danger. Some of that comes from growing up on the streets of Youngstown Ohio in the 1970’s and some of it from deploying to Central America in the 2000s. Portland felt and looked like a third-world city.

Block after block of graffiti covered, boarded up windows.

After George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis by a police office in May, I understand the anger and demand for reforms. But there is no justification for this and there is no excuse for the incompetence of the political leadership that allows it.

Blocked street

Is this what is coming to our other great cities?

Waddle quickly out of Portland…..Oregon used to be for ducks but not anymore.

2 thoughts on “Portland, Oregon: America’s Embarrassment or Future?

  1. The city governments allow this kind of behavior to continue. They simply get what they deserve! No sympathy from this outpost!

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